cognition in animals

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cognition in animals

Animal minds

what are they thinking?
"This nonfiction book for middle-grade readers examines how animals think and the ways scientists study their cognitive abilities. Illustrated with photographs throughout"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Animal minds

What it's like to be a dog

and other adventures in animal neuroscience
"What is it like to be a dog? A bat? Or a dolphin? To findout, neuroscientist Gregory Berns and his team began with a radical step: they taught dogs to go into an MRI scanner-completely awake. They discovered what makes dogs individuals with varying capacities for self-control, different value systems, and a complex understanding of human speech. And dogs were just the beginning..."--Provided by publisher.

Beastly brains

exploring how animals think, talk, and feel
"...Author Nancy F. Castaldo reveals just what's going on inside the minds of animals, and through understanding animal intelligence we discover more about ourselves, including far more similarities than one might expect. Humans may have the biggest brains, but intelligence is not a quality exclusive to only us!"--Provided by publisher.

Animal thinking

Discusses renewed interest in conscious mental experiences of animals and the possibility that thoughts and feelings of animals can be studied objectively.

Daisy to the rescue

true stories of daring dogs, paramedic parrots, and other animal heroes
Collects over fifty true stories of heroic animals rescuing people, including a pot-bellied pig, parrot, dolphin, and half-breed wolf, with current scientific research about the human-animal bond.

Wild minds

what animals really think
Studies how animals develop the ability to count, to navigate, to recognize individuals, to communicate, and to socialize.

Animal minds

beyond cognition to consciousness
Explores recent developments in the scientific research of animal mentality, discussing whether or not animals are consciously aware of anything.

Wild minds

what animals really think
Studies how animals develop the ability to count, to navigate, to recognize individuals, to communicate, and to socialize.

Animal wise

the thoughts and emotions of our fellow creatures
Explores the thoughts and emotions of animals.

Alex & me

how a scientist and a parrot discovered a hidden world of animal intelligence--and formed a deep bond in the process
Irene Pepperberg discusses her relationship with Alex, an African grey parrot she worked with for over thirty years, telling of the discoveries she made about animal minds through her studies, and sharing stories of the emotional bond she formed with Alex, who died prematurely in 2007.
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