Chlad, Dorothy

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Los animales pueden ser amigos especiales

Describes some of the rules for taking care of pets and treating animals at the zoo and in the wild.

Los cerillos, los encendedores y los triquitraques no son juguetes

Text in Spanish. Presents safety rules to be followed when using matches, lighters, sparklers, and firecrackers.

Cuando hay un incendio-- sal para afuera

Presents safety rules to be followed in case of a fire in the house.

Es divertido andar en bicicleta

A young boy tells how he enjoys riding his bicycle while remembering important safety rules.

Cuando cruzo la calle

Text in Spanish. Presents general safety rules to be followed when crossing streets in the city and in the country.

Los desconocidos

Presents some rules for safe behavior around people you don't know.

Animals can be special friends

Brief text and illustrations describe some of the rules for taking care of pets and treating animals at the zoo and in the wild.

When I ride in a car

A child describes the safety precautions his family takes when they go riding in the car.


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