A Unicorn book

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Uncle Lemon's spring

Relates how Uncle Lemon got his spring in the middle of the driest summer on record and the troublesome consequences it brought him.


A thirteen-year-old boy escapes from slaughter by the Boxers in China and joins forces with an English botanist and her escort, traveling with them to Tibet where the power of Buddhist monks transforms the lives of all of them.


Mickey's disappointment in the horse Santa brings her for Christmas only lasts a little while.

Elephant facts

Presents numerous facts about the ancestry, growth, habits, and behavior of the largest land animal.

I want to be big

A little girl wishes she were big and able to do all sorts of things but not big enough to have to take care of herself all the time.

Follow the river

Follows a stream from its home in the mountains through the countryside where it becomes a river and eventually flows into the ocean.

This little pig

The runt of a litter of pigs enjoys being the leader of her brothers and sisters, even if it lasts only a short while.

The deadly hoax

When taken aboard the spaceship of creatures who announce a plan to save Earth from human beings, Morgan and Sid doubt the beings are from outer space and that their intentions are good.

Something to count on

Ten-year-old Lorraine's behavior problems at school are aggravated by her family situation and eased by an understanding new teacher.

Rabbit tales

Six rabbits traveling by train to Elderberry for the Easter holiday pass the time by telling tales of rabbits.


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