Bernstein, Margery

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Stop that noise!

Three children who love to make music in inappropriate places are organized by their teacher into a band to perform at their school's open house.

The summer maker

an Ojibway Indian myth
An easy-to-read retelling of the Ojibway Indian myth about the creation of summer.

Earth Namer

a California Indian myth
At Turtle's request, Earth Namer makes the world, sun, moon, and animals.

How the sun made a promise and kept it

a Canadian Indian myth
A Bungee Indian tale tells how, in releasing the captive sun in return for a promise, the beaver came to look like he does today.

Stop that Noise!

Three children who love to make music in inappropriate places are organized by their teacher into a band to perform at their school's open house.

My brother, the pest

A girl has a terrible time getting along with her little brother, who is a pest, but she comes to appreciate him when she needs a playmate to keep her company.

Coyote goes hunting for fire

a California Indian myth
As all the other animals fear, Coyote successfully bungles their plans to obtain fire.

That's hard, that's easy

A child notices that things that were once difficult to do often become easy as people grow.

The first morning

an African myth
After they cleverly complete the sky king's tasks, a mouse, spider, and fly are given light to take back to earth but it isn't quite what they expected.

That cat!

A phonics-based story for readers in kindergarten through grade two which tells of a cat that sleeps through all the activities going on around her, right up until supper time.
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