wounds and injuries

Topical Term
wounds and injuries

Cuts and scrapes

Explains what cuts and scrapes are, how they heal, and how they should be treated.


Provides a brief introduction to bruises explaining how they form and how they heal.

Logan the puppy

We'll be there in a whisker! A new swimming pool is opening in Thistletown, and Logan the puppy wants to swim more than anything. But when he hurts his tail, Dr. KittyCat is the only one who can help!.

Out at second

The Grizzlies' first baseman is benched before the playoffs and the teams catcher, Manny, and Stu, the second baseman, take it upon themselves to help train his replacement, but a wild throw causes Stu to have ahead injury, which the boys try to hide, until Stu starts to act strangely.

Pedro's big break

When Pedro breaks his arm racing his bike he has to cope with the frustration of wearing a cast for a whole month--but with the help of his friends he discovers that there are still fun things to do.
Cover image of Pedro's big break


my life as an emergency surgeon
Presents an account of the author's life as a surgeon, both in emergency rooms and in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Cover image of Trauma


With nanotechnology, doctors can use tiny electronic devices and sensors to create innovative new treatments for their patients.
Cover image of Nanomedicine

All about cuts and bruises

The human body is amazing. But sometimes it gets sick or hurt. In All About Cuts and Bruises, kids delve inside the body to learn all about the causes, symptoms, and treatments of cuts and bruises. In this engaging introductory title, readers will explore fascinating topics, from infections to scabs and scars.
Cover image of All about cuts and bruises

Are some sports too dangerous for kids?

"Sports are fun, but they can be dangerous, too. As more information becomes available about concussions and other injuries, many people have wondered if certain sports, such as football, are too dangerous for kids to play. People often have strong opinions about this topic, and readers are introduced to these opinions in a way that enhances their critical-thinking skills"--Publisher.
Cover image of Are some sports too dangerous for kids?

The stars at Oktober Bend

"Alice is fifteen, with hair as red as fire and skin as pale as bone. Something inside Alice is broken: she remembers words but struggles to speak them. Still, Alice knows words are for sharing, so she pins them to posters in tucked-away places: railway waiting rooms, fish-and-chip shops, quiet corners. Manny is sixteen, with a scar from shoulder to elbow. Something inside Manny is broken: he was once a child soldier, forced to do terrible, violent things. But in a new land with new people who will care for him, he spends time exploring on foot. And in his pocket, he carries a poem he scooped up. And he knows the words by heart. When Manny and Alice meet, their relationship brings the beginning of love and healing."--OCLC.
Cover image of The stars at Oktober Bend


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