Describes the world of a farm through the eyes of a bull, who, after witnessing the senseless slaughter of animals, determines to break away in order to make a better life for himself and his offspring.
Describes the birth of a calf one cold winter night and his first day of life as he learns to stand, ventures out of doors, and nuzzles up to his tired mother.
Cows create milk, in fact, approximately eight gallons of milk a day. This book explains the lengthy process of getting the milk from the cow to our refrigerator in the form of delicious dairy products like yogurt and ice cream.
While Ida Mae is busy daydreaming about how to become famous, her twenty-six cows have escaped the corral; and now she has to round up the wayward herd.
Bored with seeing the same things all the time, a little calf sets off to find something new, but discovers that she misses her mother and her familiar surroundings.