
Topical Term

Arlo Finch in the Valley of the Fire

When Arlo Finch moves to Pine Mountain, Colorado, he has no idea what's in store for him in this tiny town full of mystery and magic. When he joins the Rangers, Pine Mountain's version of the Boy Scouts, it leads him into adventures he never thought possible. Wilderness and magical powers collide throughout the beautiful, dense forest surrounding his new home, and as Arlo begins to learn the way of the Rangers, he also discovers courage, strength, and a destiny he never knew he possessed.
Cover image of Arlo Finch in the Valley of the Fire


the Centennial State
Describes the history, people, geography, economy, government, state events and attractions, and social life and customs of Colorado.

Before the wildflowers bloom

a novel
Set in the coal mining town of Hastings, Colorado, Carm and her family learn to cope after the death of Papa in a tragic accident.

Oliver Dibbs and the dinosaur cause

Immersed in studying his favorite topic, dinosaurs, Oliver involves his fifth grade class in a campaign to make the stegosaurus the Colorado state fossil and runs afoul of an interfering bully.
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