Roach, Marilynne K

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Six women of Salem

the untold story of the accused and their accusers in the Salem Witch Trials
Explores the history of the Salem witch trials from the point of view of six of the women involved, including Rebecca Nurse, Bridget Bishop, Mary English, Ann Putnam, Sr., Tituba, and Mary Warren.
Cover image of Six women of Salem

The mouse and the song

A little mouse becomes friendly with the lone man living at Walden Pond.

The Salem witch trials

a day-by-day chronicle of a community under siege
Draws upon archival research to present a daily account ofthe Salem witch scare and trials from January 1692 to January 1697.

Encounters with the invisible world

being ten tales of ghosts, witches, & the devil himself in New England

Down to earth at Walden

Describes the practical aspects of Thoreau's day-to-day life at Walden and the 19th-century world surrounding him.

Dune fox

Follows the activities of a fox living on the dunes and describes the plant and animal life that he encounters throughout the seasons.

Two Roman mice

When the town mouse and the city mouse exchange visits, they discover they prefer very different ways of life.

In the days of the Salem witchcraft trials

Presents information on the lives, behaviors, and beliefs of British colonists living in New England in 1692 in order to explain how it was possible for the people to turn against their neighbors with accusations of witchcraft.
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