producers and directors

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producers and directors

George Lucas


Clandestine in Chile

the adventures of Miguel Littn
Chronicles the experiences of Miguel Littin, an exiled Chilean film director who returned to his homeland disguised as an Uruguayan businessman and traveled throughout the country making a secret documentary about the military government.

Famous players

the mysterious death of William Desmond Taylor
When William Desmond Taylor is found dead of a gunshot wound, the motion picture community cannot believe that Taylor could draw the ire of anyone, let alone a murderer. The ensuing investigation reveals that the well-respected director was not the person he seemed and neither were his friends.

George Lucas

Traces the life of the film maker who directed such movies as "American Graffitti" and "Star Wars.".

The girl who fell to Earth

a memoir
The author describes growing up with an American mother and Arabic father. Details her childhood split between Seattle and Qatar, her time with her Bedouin family as a teen, and her search for her own identity as a young woman that takes her from from the Arabian Gulf and Cairo, to Mount Sinai.

Peter Jackson

from Prince of splatter to Lord of the rings
Chronicles the life of director Peter Jackson, discussing his childhood obsession with movies, his low-budget cult movies, his ambitious retelling of Tolkein's "Lord of the Rings" trilogy, and other related topics.

Singing in the comeback choir

Maxine McCoy, producer of a popular television show, has good reason to be pleased with her life, but a history of disappointments keeps her from fully enjoying her successes; and it is not until she is called back to her childhood neighborhood in Philadelphia to care for her grandmother that she learns to come to grips with her past.

It's only a movie

Alfred Hitchcock : a personal biography
Chronicles the life of legendary filmmaker Alfred Hitchcock, focusing on the personal insights to Hitchcock's life that are revealed in his films.


the life and work of Leni Riefenstahl
Chronicles the life of Leni Riefenstahl, focusing on her films glorifying the actions of Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich and her claims that she knew nothing of the atrocities of the Holocaust, despite her close involvement with Nazi leaders.


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