Fun science projects

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Pushing and pulling

Provides step-by-step illustrated science experiments to help children understand the basic concepts.

Making shapes

Presents a collection of hands-on projects and illustrates the scientific principle behind why each project works. Includes color photos, additional projects, statistics about differently shaped items, a glossary, and an index.

Light and color

An introduction to the basic science of light and color. Presents a series of experiments with step-by-step illustrated directions. Includes ideas for additional activities, a list of interesting facts, and a glossary.

Hearing sounds

Contains hands-on science projects for students to help them understand how sounds are heard. Includes illustrations, photographs, and diagrams.

Understanding electricity

An introduction to the basic concepts of electricity including step-by-step experiments and reinforcement activities.

Making things float and sink

Experiments with step-by-step instructions help children understand the basic scientific principles that determine whether an object floats or sinks.

Making things change

Presents twelve science experiments suitable for children with step-by-step instructions on how to make invisible ink, separate mixtures, split colors, and more.
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