The library of explorers and exploration

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Vasco da Gama

the Portuguese quest for a sea route from Europe to India
Describes the fifteenth century voyages taken by Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama who furthered his nation's power by expanding trade routes to India.

Sir Walter Raleigh

explorer for the court of Queen Elizabeth
A biography of Sir Walter Raleigh which examines his early life, his relationship with Queen Elizabeth, his desire to explore the New World, his defeat of the Spanish Armada, his quest for El Dorado, his life as a writer, and more.

Sir Francis Drake

circumnavigator of the globe and privateer for Queen Elizabeth
A biography of British pirate and explorer Sir Francis Drake, featuring his search for riches in the Americas and his eventual voyage around the world.

Prince Henry the navigator

pioneer of modern exploration
Profiles Prince Henry of Portugal, whose support enabled explorers to claim new lands, spread Christianity, and increase trade between Europe and Africa while he, himself, remained close to home.

Juan Ponce de Le?n

the exploration of Florida and the search for the fountain of youth
Describes the life of the Spanish explorer who first came to the New World with Columbus, went on to become governor of Puerto Rico, and later came to Florida looking for the Fountain of Youth.

John Cabot

the ongoing search for a westward passage to Asia
Examines the facts and theories surrounding the voyages taken to North America by the English explorer John Cabot in the late 1490s.

Jacques Marquette and Louis Jolliet

explorers of the Mississippi
A brief biography of the seventeenth-century French explorers who were the first Europeans to locate and chart the Mississippi River.

Jacques Cartier

navigating the St. Lawrence River
Describes the life and travels of Jacques Cartier, the sixteenth-century French navigator who made three voyages to what is today known as Canada, in search of a northwest passage to China.

Hernando de Soto

trailblazer of the American Southeast
Portrays Hernando de Soto as both a pirate and explorer who, while a failure in some ways, had a lasting influence through such actions as introducing pigs to the Americas.

Hern?n Cort?s

the Conquest of Mexico and the Aztec Empire
Tells the life story of sixteenth-century Spanish explorer Hern?n Cort?s, chronicling the conquest of the Aztec Empire, and includes a chronology, glossary, and further resource list.


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