History's villains

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Kim Il Sung

Offers a brief overview of the life and rule of Kim Il Sung, the ruler of North Korea who was responsible for starting a war that brought the world to the brink of nuclear holocaust.

Attila the Hun

Discusses the Roman Empire, its collapse at the hands of barbarian hordes led by Attila the Hun, and Attila's legacy.

Pol Pot

Chronicles the life of Cambodian dictator Pol Pot, describing his first exposure to Communist doctrine, his years as a teacher and a revolutionary, the Khmer Rouge's overthrow of the Cambodian government, his paranoia, and his killing of thousands in the name of the revolution.

Ivan the terrible

A biography of Ivan IV Vasilyevich, the Russian ruler whose policies earned him the title "Ivan the Terrible, " looking at his life and ambitions within the context of sixteenth-century Russia.

Idi Amin

Describes the events leading to Idi Amin's rise to power, his brutal reign as Uganda's president, how he was ousted, and what happened in Uganda afterwards.
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