football stadiums

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football stadiums

Beyond the Xs and Os

keeping the Bills in Buffalo
"Beyond the X's and O's is the previously unpublished story of how a long-term stadium lease was negotiated and signed by New York's Erie County, the state, and the Buffalo Bills football team. Told by Mark C. Poloncarz, the elected executive of the community that owned the stadium, we are given a rare glimpse into the long, difficult, but ultimately rewarding effort to successfully conclude negotiations between an NFL franchise, the National Football League, and a multitude of players from the political arena including Governor Andrew Cuomo and US Senator Chuck Schumer. Poloncarz discusses the financial side of sports and reveals how the county was able to navigate what proved to be often turbulent waters. Complicating negotiations was an on-going frenzy in the local news media, hungry for any news about the new lease, and Bills team owner Ralph C. Wilson Jr., who was 92 and had said the team would be sold upon his death. In the end a new lease was signed and the Bill remained in Buffalo at time when a number of other cities watched their teams relocate to other cities"--.

The case of the cursed clock tower

Flickering lights and a ghastly screech begin plaguing Murky Creek at the turn of each hour. The Phantom Fingers investigate the clock tower by the high school football stadium and the memorial inside it, dedicated to a star player who would have reason to curse his old stomping ground.

Beyond the Xs and Os

the story behind getting a new stadium lease for the Buffalo Bills and keeping the team in Buffalo
"Beyond the X's and O's is the previously unpublished story of how a long-term stadium lease was negotiated and signed by New York's Erie County, the state, and the Buffalo Bills football team. Told by Mark C. Poloncarz, the elected executive of the community that owned the stadium, we are given a rare glimpse into the long, difficult, but ultimately rewarding effort to successfully conclude negotiations between an NFL franchise, the National Football League, and a multitude of players from the political arena including Governor Andrew Cuomo and US Senator Chuck Schumer. Poloncarz discusses the financial side of sports and reveals how the county was able to navigate what proved to be often turbulent waters. Complicating negotiations was an on-going frenzy in the local news media, hungry for any news about the new lease, and Bills team owner Ralph C. Wilson Jr., who was 92 and had said the team would be sold upon his death. In the end a new lease was signed and the Bill remained in Buffalo at time when a number of other cities watched their teams relocate to other cities"--.

Ultimate college football road trip

Highlights the history of college football by exploring a selection of stadiums in which the games are played. Includes a map, fact boxes, a glossary, resources for further information, and color photographs.
Cover image of Ultimate college football road trip

Ultimate NFL road trip

Explores a selection of NFL stadiums highlighting facts about their structure and history that make them unique. Includes a map, a glossary, resources for further information, and color photographs.

Guarding the Super Bowl stadium

Takes a look at how local and federal law enforcement officials team up to keep hundreds of thousands of people safe during football's biggest game of the year.

Football stadiums

a guide to professional and top college stadiums
Profiles over one hundred professional and college football stadiums.

Football stadiums

Describes how football stadiums have been planned and designed.
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