Villard, Ray

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Super telescopios

por dentro y por fuera
Contains text and cutaway illustrations that provide information about large telescopes, looking at the history and development of telescope technology, and examining some of the modern-day super telescopes, including the Hubble.

Infinite worlds

an illustrated voyage to planets beyond our sun
Discusses the state of astronomical research, focusing on the discovery of over 140 planets outside Earth's solar system, and featuresimages from observatories, as well as scientifically-based illustrations in which Lynette Cook imagines what those solar systems might look like.

Changes within physical systems and

an anthology of current thought
Contains a collection of articles that discuss trends in the study of changes within physical systems, energy conservation and momentum, covering interstellar travel, subatomic levels, planets, moons, asteroids, as well as black holes and nuetron stars.

Large telescopes

inside and out
Describes the history, design, components, and future of telescopes, and discusses such important ones as the Hubble Space Telescope and Keck I and II.
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