Details the events which occurred in the five years leading up to the American Revolution and discusses how those events forever changed the relationship between the colonies and Britain.
Presents a biography of influential American journalist and publisher of newspapers and magazines William Randolph Hearst, discussing his career and his involvement in politics.
Examines the life of Alexander Hamilton, the first Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, discussing his accomplishments, as well as the controversy and scandal that marked his career.
Examines the life of civil rights advocate and attorney Thurgood Marshall, the first African-American to be appointed to the United States Supreme Court.
Chronicles the events surrounding the 1892 Homestead Steel Strike, in which two of the nation's most powerful businessmen, Andrew Carnegie and Henry C. Frick, were pitted against the workers in their steel mill.
Presents a brief biography of writer Stephen King, including information on his childhood, his education, and his achievements in literature. Includes photographs.