calligraphy, chinese

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calligraphy, chinese

Eighteen vats of water

"As long as he can remember, Xian has wanted to be a great calligrapher, like his father. When he turns six, he's finally old enough to start studying. Calligraphy is more than writing--it's painting--and Xian learns how much work and creativity go into what look like effortless strokes. Based on stories still told about Xian and his father, famous calligraphers of the 4th century, Eighteen Vats of Water is about determination, creativity, and learning how to see, as well as the importance of family traditions"--Provided by the publisher.
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Liu and the bird

a journey in Chinese calligraphy
Combines the story of Liu, a young Chinese girl who goes on a visit to her grandfather's, with an overview of the evolution of the Chinese written language from pictures to today's modern calligraphy characters.

Chinese calligraphy

Explores the history, theory, and cultural importance of Chinese calligraphy, and discusses the development of calligraphic criticism from the second century to the twenty-first.

The art of Chinese calligraphy

Explores the history and development of Chinese calligraphy, explains that basic construction of individual characters, looks at how calligraphy is used as an art form, and provides an illustrated, step-by-step guide to the tools and techniques of brushwork calligraphy.

Chinese brushwork in calligraphy and painting

its history, aesthetics, and techniques
An introduction to Chinese brushwork that discusses its role in Chinese art, the historical development of its techniques and styles, the materials that are used, the most popular themes, and other related topics.

Chinese calligraphy

an introduction to its aesthetic and technique
Describes the aesthetic principles underlying the art of Chinese calligraphy, and features illustrated instructions for creating Chinese calligraphy, discussing technique, strokes, and composition.

Liu and the bird

a journey in Chinese calligraphy
Combines the story of Liu, a young Chinese girl who goes on a visit to her grandfather's, with an overview of the evolution of the Chinese written language from pictures to today's modern calligraphy characters.

The art of calligraphy in modern China

Identifies influences on the development of calligraphy in China, examines the debate over the nature of the art and its future, discusses factors that have shaped calligraphy since the establishment of the People's Republic in 1949, and profiles twenty-five calligraphers still living, or who have died since 1963, who have been key figures in calligraphy, or whose work reflects some of its trends.
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