
Topical Term

How green was my valley

Tells the story of Huw Morgan, his gentle but tyrannical father, his strong-willed brothers and sisters, and his brave and beloved mother.

Blood wounds

Willa's life as part of a loving, blended family is torn apart when her estranged father kills his new wife and children and heads east in pursuit of her and her mother, and while in police protection, Willa learns her mom has been harboring secrets, and tries to decide whether to share a devastating secret of her own.


an exploded diagram
In 1960s Norfolk, England, seventeen-year-old Clem Ackroyd lives with his mother and grandmother in a tiny cottage, but his life is transformed when he falls in love with the daughter of a wealthy farmer in this tale that flashes back through the stories of three generations.

No and me

Precocious thirteen-year-old Lou meets a homeless eighteen-year-old girl on the streets of Paris and Lou's life is forever changed.

Surface tension

a novel in four summers
During the summer vacations of his thirteenth through his sixteenth year at the family's lake cottage, Luke realizes that although some things stay the same over the years that many more change.


In a future Chicago, sixteen-year-old Beatrice Prior must choose among five predetermined factions to define her identity for the rest of her life, a decision made more difficult when she discovers that she is an anomoly who does not fit into any one group, and that the society she lives in is not perfect after all.

The replacement

Sixteen-year-old Mackie Doyle, a being from another world who was swapped with a human child when he was a baby, struggles with his allergies to iron, blood, and consecrated ground and wants desperately to live like a normal teenager, and when his crush Tate's sister disappears, Mackie sets out to find her and gets a chance to find his rightful place in the world.

Confessions of the Sullivan sisters

When the Sullivan sisters' grandmother gathers the entire family on Christmas to announce that she is removing them all from her will unless whoever it is that has offended her confesses in writing by New Year's Day, everybody begins to consider what they may have done.

Pregnant pause

Married, pregnant, and living at a "fat camp" in Maine, sixteen-year-old Eleanor has many questions about her future, especially whether the marriage will last and if she should keep the baby.

Okay for now

Fourteen-year-old Doug Swieteck faces many challenges, including an abusive father, a brother traumatized by Vietnam, suspicious teachers and police officers, and isolation, but when he meets a girl known as Lil Spicer, he develops a close relationship with her and finds a safe place at the local library.


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