closer look at

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Stars & planets

Explores the stars and planets of our universe and probes the mysteries of space.
Cover image of Stars & planets

Rain forest

With this book as your guide, explore the rain forests and take a closer look at the marvels and mysteries of our world.

The greenhouse effect

Presents an overview of the greenhouse effect and its consequences, explains global warming, and profiles major pollutants and the damage they cause.

Acid rain

Contains an introduction to the acid rain, in simple text with illustrations, describing what it is, how it effects the environment, and what can be done about it. Includes maps and diagrams.


Explores the world of forests, their regulation of our atmosphere, and the vast number of plants and animals they support.

Tidal waves and flooding

Explains the causes and effects of tidal waves and flooding and examines their environmental impact.

The ozone hole

Explains how ozone holes happen, what effects they have on the environment, and what can be done about this problem.

A closer look at whales and dolphins

Color illustrations, text, and diagrams introduce whales and dolphins and describe their behavior.

The greenhouse effect

Presents an overview of the greenhouse effect and its consequences, explains global warming, and profiles major pollutants and the damage they cause.

Rivers & lakes

Explores the world of rivers and lakes, looking at how they have shaped the landscape and provided fresh water, a vital resource for human, animal, and plant life, and how communities both depend on them and can be devastated by them.


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