Describes what is known about the Tyrannosaurus rex, including the physical characteristics, behavior, habitat, and life cycle of this large, bipedal, carnivorous dinosaur.
Provides a description of the spinosaurus, a dinosaur species that lived from about 100 million to 93 million years ago, discusses the history and study of spinosaurus, and examines the quest to find additional spinosaurus fossils.
Describes what is known about the oviraptor, including the physical characteristics, behavior, habitat, and life cycle of this small, bird-like dinosaur.
Describes what is known about the iguanodon, including the physical characteristics, behavior, habitat, and life cycle of this large, plant-eating dinosaur.
Describes what is known about the compsognathus, including the physical characteristics, behavior, habitat, and life cycle of this small, bipedal dinosaur.
Text and photographs introduce the apatosaurus, or brontosaurus, describing what is known about the physical characteristics, behavior, habitat, and life cycle of this huge plant-eating dinosaur with a long neck and tail.
Imagine walking down the street and running into an Ankylosaurus. Its heavy, plated body and thick spines would surprise anybody! But despite its size and armor, this 'stiff lizard' could move pretty quickly when it needed to. Discover how Ankylosaurus continues to surprise scientists--and unsuspecting readers--to this day.
Provides a description of the allosaurus, a dinosaur species that lived from about 156 million to 144 million years ago, discusses the history of allosaurus discovery and study, explains what scientists have learned from a complete allosaurus skeleton found in 1991, and speculates about the extinction of the dinosaur.