O'Toole, Christopher

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Discovering bees and wasps

Text and photographs describe the physical and behavioral characteristics of a variety of bees and wasps.

Insects and Spiders

Introduces centipedes, cockroaches, crickets, lice, fleas, butterflies, wasps, ants, scorpions and other insects and spiders.


a natural history
Provides a comprehensive examination of bees, including anatomies, life cycles, nests, cells, work, and enemies of several bee species, and explores bees in folklore and medicine.

Alien empire

an exploration of the lives of insects

Bees of the world

Describes the evolution, classification, distribution, anatomies, life cycles, nests, cells, work, and enemies of several bee species, covering miners, masons, leaf-cutters, carpenters, honeybees, and other types.

Discovering bees and wasps

Text and photographs describe the physical and behavioral characteristics of a variety of bees and wasps.

Bees of the world

Covers all aspects of bees including their diversity, behavior, and life cycles.


Introduces predatory members of the mammal family, from leopards and cheetahs to whales and dolphins.

Discovering flies

Examines the characteristics, life cycle, and habitat of different types of flies and describes which flies are either helpful or harmful to plants and animals.


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