
Geographic Name

When will the fighting stop?

a child's view of Jerusalem
A young Jewish boy living in Jerusalem observes all the different people that make the city their home and wonders why they can't all be friends.

Keeper of the waters

After mastering the power of the Board of Air, Jenna Solitaire travels to Jerusalem to find the Board of Water, accompanied by Simon Monk, who is seeking the Boards on behalf of the Vatican, and even though Jenna doesn't trust Simon, she is forced to rely on him to find the Board before it can cause unimaginable destruction.

Queen of swords

Princess Melisende of Outremer, the crusader kingdom of Jerusalem, is forced to marry Count Fulk of France who will become king in her place after her father's death. A strong woman, Melisende does not submit to Fulk for long. Assisted by her life-long companions Lady Richildis and Sir Bertrand Melisende rules the exotic land of Outremer.


Surveys the four thousand-year history of the Holy City and its religious, political, and cultural importance to Jews, Christians, and Moslems.

Saladin and the Kingdom of Jerusalem

the Muslims recapture the Holy Land in AD 1187
Examines the history of the Crusades, launched by Christians in an attempt to wrest control of Jerusalem from the Muslims, and discusses the role of Muslim military leader Saladin in reclaiming the city.

Jerusalem under Muslim rule in the eleventh century

Christian pilgrims under Islamic government
Explores life in eleventh-century Jerusalem for the ruling Muslims, as well as "The Peoples of the Book," Christians and Jews, who came as pilgrims or lived there.


Describes the history, geography, government, economy, climate, and culture of Jerusalem.

The First Crusade

the capture of Jerusalem in AD 1099
Chronicles the major battles of the First Crusade, describing the motivations and tactics of the Christian soldiers and such topics as attacks on Jews. Features many medieval paintings and manuscript illustrations.

Gavriel and Jemal

two boys of Jerusalem
Explores the lives of a Jewish boy and a Palestinian boy growing up in Jerusalem.


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