to 1863

Topical Term
to 1863

The antislavery movement

Recounts the heroic struggles of those who fought against the institution of slavery, explaining the political, economic, and moral issues involved.

Revolutionary citizens

African Americans, 1776-1804
Chronicles the lives of African-Americans during the Revolutionary War and the early years of the nation.

Black, blue, & gray

African Americans in the Civil War
An historical account of the role of African-American soldiers in the Civil War.

Let my people go

African Americans, 1804-1860
Discusses the lives of African Americans from the early years of the nineteenth century to the start of the Civil War.

Break those chains at last

African Americans, 1860-1880
Chronicles the experiences of African-Americans during the Civil War and reconstruction years, from 1860 through 1880, looking at their participation in the war effort, and their struggles as free people to claim their place in American society.

Traveling the freedom road

from slavery & the Civil War through Reconstruction
Chronicles the lives and hardships of various African American families who were forced to endure the difficulties of slavery, the Civil War, and Reconstruction. Discusses how these people eventually found justice and features full-color and black-and-white images throughout.

Days of Jubilee

the end of slavery in the United States
Uses slave narratives, letters, diaries, military orders, and other documents to chronicle the various stages leading to the emancipation of slaves in the United States.


the struggle for freedom
A history of slavery, looking at the conditions slaves faced in North America, examining slave revolts and other types of resistance, and discussing the end of slavery in the U.S.

Now let me fly

the story of a slave family
Minna, kidnapped as a girl in Africa, endures the harsh life of a slave on a Southern plantation in the 1800s and tries to help her family survive.

Days of Jubilee

The end of slavery in the United States
Uses slave naratives, lettrs, diaries, military orders, and other documents to chronicle the various stages leading to the emancipation of slaves in the United States.


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