African American history

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Illustrations and text discuss the history of slavery in the United States, and covers the New York City revolt in 1712, the slave revolt of 1811 in Louisiana, Nat Turner's rebellion, William Lloyd Garrison, Frederick Douglass, emancipation, and more.

The migration north

Black-and-white photographs and text discuss the social history between slavery and the civil rights movement, and cover legal discrimination, the Ku Klux Klan, Booker T. Washington, the NAACP, race riots, Harlem, military service during the World Wars, and more.

Contemporary achievements

An illustrated overview of the achievements of African-Americans since the 1950s, including Sidney Poitier winning an Academy Award, Thurgood Marshall's Supreme Court appointment, Michael Jordan's NBA success, and others.

Civil rights movement

An introduction the civil rights movement of the early twentieth century in the United States that discusses segregation, Brown v. the Board of Education, Martin Luther King, Jr., the Little Rock Nine, sit-ins, Malcolm X, and more.


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