Really useful handbooks

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I'm broke!

the money handbook
An introduction to personal finances that provides advice, facts, and quizzes on budgeting, saving, banking, the economy, loans, investments, credit cards, and more.
Cover image of I'm broke!

Making a difference

the changing the world handbook
An introduction to living an environmentally-friendly lifestyle that provides advice, facts, and quizzes on carbon footprints, recycling, volunteering, home-grown food, the green party, and more.
Cover image of Making a difference

Coping with loss

the life changes handbook
An introduction to coping with loss that provides advice, facts, and quizzes on living with a new stepfamily, divorced parents, loss of a friend, grief, depression, and more.
Cover image of Coping with loss

Too fat? too thin?

the healthy eating handbook
An introduction to a healthy diet that provides advice, facts, and quizzes on body image, dieting, eating disorders, and exercise.
Cover image of Too fat? too thin?

Read the signals

the body language handbook
An introduction to body language that provides advice, facts, and quizzes on flirting, communication, and how to act confident.

Read the signals

the body language handbook
Presents useful advice, facts, and tips on ways to change the way people respond to you, and even get new people to like you, by improving your body language.

Too fat? too thin?

the healthy eating handbook
Too Fat? Too Thin? is a handbook that presents helpful and easy-to-follow text to help young readers understand their healthy, natural body shape and their correct body weight.

Making a difference

the changing the world handbook
Changing the world handbook provides useful advice, facts, and tips regarding helping save planet Earth.

I'm broke!

the money handbook
I'm Broke! The money handbook will help young readers learn how to properly manage their funds. Helpful tips on how to save and spend wisely are laid out in a fun and easy way, and lessons include real-world situation.

Coping with loss

the life changes handbook
Coping with loss offers caring and sensible advice to young readers facing another's passing, a parent's divorce, moving away, and other challenging life changes.


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