

Behind the plate: three great catchers

Brief biographies of three well-known catchers emphasizing their development of the skills that made them valuable ball players.

Rosalyn Yalow, Nobel laureate

her life and work in medicine : a biographical memoir
Tells the story of the life and accomplishments of Dr. Rosalyn Yalow, the second woman in history to win a Nobel Prize in medicine, discussing her struggles to succeed in a traditionally male field, and showing how her courage extended into her later years when strokes and other illnesses threatened her survival.

A place for winter

Paul Tiulana's story

The light within the light

portraits of Donald Hall, Richard Wilbur, Maxine Kumin, and Stanley Kunitz
Examines the lives of twentieth-century American poets, focusing on Donald Hall, Richard Wilbur, Maxine Kumin, and Stanley Kunitz; and profiles their lives and achievements.

The Rocket

Andre loves to play hockey, but is tired of always being compared to his big brother, until his father took him to the game to see the Montreal Canadians and he sat next to the brother of their star player.

The color of water

a black man's tribute to his white mother
James McBride chronicles his twelve-year journey to learn about his mother's past, describing her unhappy childhood, marriage, refusal to admit she was white, and creation of an all-black church in Harlem, and shares details of his own life and the challenges he faced coping with his family's secrets.

The triumph of discovery

women who won the Nobel Prize
Examines the lives of Barbara McClintock, Maria Mayer, Rosalyn Yalow, and Rita Levi-Montalcini, women scientists who won the Nobel Prize against extraordinary odds, in different fields and under different circumstances.

Godspeed, John Glenn

An illustrated biography of John Glenn telling the story of how he became the first American astronaut to orbit the earth inside "Friendship 7.".


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