Sepehri, Sandy

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Explores the seven continents and how the earth's plates are always moving and changing the continents.
Cover image of Continents

Pedro and the coyote

based on Mexican folktales
Pedro, having always been afraid of coyotes, overcomes his fears after an encounter in which he proves the animal not so smart after all.


Chinese New Year

Text and photographs introduce the Chinese New Year, from when it is, to how and why it is celebrated.

Why Chibchacum carries the world

based on a Chibcha myth
Retells the Columbian myth of Bochica, the creator of the world and its people, and Chibchacum, a lesser god whose hunger for power led him to rebellion, punishment, and repentance.

Pedro and the coyote

based on Mexican folktales
Pedro, having always been afraid of coyotes, overcomes his fears after an encounter in which he proves the animal not so smart after all.

Munay and the magic lake

based on an Inca tale
Retells the Ecuadoran tale of Munay, a young girl whose pureness of heart helps her find the healing water that will save the prince of the Sapa Inca.

The lazy giant

based on a Cuna tale
Presents an ancient creation folktale from the Cuna people of Panama about Chiriqui, the lazy son of the giant god Paquo Meecho, who was sent to Earth to restore the land and make the people prosperous.

The monkey's new drum

based on a trickster tale from Panama


Text and photographs introduce firefighters, from their work, clothing, and tools, to how fires are extinguished and becoming a firefighter.


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