Provides a detailed description for more than one hundred educational professions, including information on salaries, skills required, employment prospects, advancement opportunities, and associations. Careers.
Explains how teachers can help students achieve state and national standards using the Big6 skills method, with information on the development of standards and their common elements, and includes activities, lesson plans, and unit plans for specific content areas.
A collection of jokes and riddles about teachers, classrooms, and other aspects of schools and education, including "When should teachers wear sunglasses? When they have bright students.".
Presents a collection of essays examining charter schools, including their strengths and weaknesses, pros and cons, and what can be done to improve them.
66 things you can do to improve your school without spending an extra penny : a guide for parents & everyone concerned about the education of our children
Miller, Mary Susan
Provides effective ways to make a difference in schools from renting out school space to turning students into teachers' aides.