Awesome armored animals

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Armadillos have one of the most interesting defense mechanisms in the animal kingdom. In the blink of an eye, they are able to curl themselves up into a ball. Their thick, armor-like skin protects them against many predators.


Conches are best known for their colorful, musical shells and for their meat. But, these mollusks are much more interesting and complicated than they seem. Conches are sea snails with eyestalks and feet. There are about 50 different species of conches. Lovely underwater photographs show conches in their natural habitats.
Cover image of Conches

Snapping turtles

Introduces snapping turtles, covering what they look like, where they live, what they eat, and more.
Cover image of Snapping turtles

Caimans, gharials, alligators, and crocodiles

Examines the leathery, scaly armor of reptiles and how it is helpful in protection.


Examines the life style and habitat of conches and how the shell it lives in provides protection.


Introduces armadillos, covering what they look like, where they live, what they eat, and more.

King crabs

Introduces king crabs, covering what they look like, where they live, what they eat, and more.

Caimans, gharials, alligators, and crocodiles

This book introduces crocodilians, fearsome reptiles with large, snapping jaws and sharp teeth and leathery, scaly armor, and gives an inside look at the lives of these animals.
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