Gross, Susan Hill

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Women in India

Vedic to modern times
Examines the historical, social, and cultural roles of women in India, with an emphasis on Hindu women.
Cover image of Women in India

Women in Israel

biblical times to the present
Examines the historical, social, and cultural roles of women in Israel, with an emphasis on Jewish women of the twentieth century.
Cover image of Women in Israel

Women in Latin America

the 20th century

Women in Israel

Biblical times to the present

Women in India

Vedic to modern times
Presents an historical survey of Indian women from Vedic to modern times; focuses on the influence of Hinduism and the caste system on women's lives; describes reforms proposed by the Indian government.

Women in medieval

Discusses women throughout medieval and Renaissance times.

Women in traditional China

ancient times to modern reform
Describes the diversity of women's roles and status in different times, classes, and cultures from the distant Chinese past to the present.
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