Cohen, Susan

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What you can believe about drugs

an honest and unhysterical guide for teens
Includes chapters on cocaine, marijuana, speed, and steroids, how drugs became illegal, and on drug testing.

A six-pack and a fake I.D.

teens look at the drinking question
Discusses the role of drinking in our society, the various reasons people drink, the physiological effects of alcoholic beverages, popular misconceptions about alcohol, the differences between drunkenness and alcoholism, and other aspects of the issue about which teenagers need to make an informed decision.

Teenage competition

a survival guide
Examines the positive and negative aspects of competition in areas of adolescent life such as academic success, family life, and social status and suggests ways of choosing how to compete in a healthy way.

Teenage stress

Discusses stress and its causes, what it does to and for one, and how to keep the stress in one's life at a tolerable level.

What kind of dog is that?

rare & unusual breeds of dogs
Discusses the history, physical characteristics, and behavior of twenty-five unusual dog breeds including the Fila Brasileiro, the Peruvian Inca Orchid, the Jack Russell Terrier, and the Chinese Crested.

When someone you know is gay

Describes the history, possible causes, and social, religious, and political aspects of male and female homosexuality, with an emphasis on the problems experienced by gay teens in coming out to family and friends. Includes a list of organizations to contact for help and more information.
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