haitian americans

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haitian americans

Breath, eyes, memory

Sophie Caco, a child who was born of rape, leaves Haiti at the age of twelve to join her mother in New York City, where they both battle with the results of sexual abuse.

Seth and Samona

Two Haitian American children deal with the problems of friendship, family life, and growing up.

Krik? Krak!

A Haitian American author presents nine short stories about life under Haiti's dictatorship.

Haitian Americans

Provides an overview of the life and culture of Haitian Americans and presents some information on the history of Haiti.

Behind the mountains

Writing in the notebook which her teacher gave her, thirteen-year-old Celiane describes life with her mother and brother in Haiti as well as her experiences in Brooklyn after the family finally immigrates there to be reunited with her father.

Fresh girl

After having been sent, at a very young age, from New York to live with her grandmother in Haiti, fourteen-year-old Mardi returns to join her parents and try to shape a new life in Brooklyn.

Pride against prejudice

Haitians in the United States

Touching snow

After her stepfather is arrested for child abuse, thirteen-year-old Karina's home life improves but while the severity of her older sister's injuries and the urging of her younger sister, their uncle, and a friend tempt her to testify against him, her mother and other well-meaning adults persuade her to claim responsibility.

Breath, eyes, memory

At the age of twelve, Sophie Caco is sent from the impoverished village of Croix-des-Rosets to New York to be reunited with her mother, where she gains a legacy of shame that can only be healed when she returns to Haiti, to the woman who first reared her.

Teenage refugees from Haiti speak out

Describes the lives of eight teenagers from Haiti, why they left their homeland, and how they adjusted to life in the United States.


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