Fisher, Leonard Everett

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The printers

Surveys the history of printing in colonial America, describing the work of early printers, the development of the free press, and the printer's craft and technique.

The potters

Traces the early history of pottery in Colonial America with descriptions of the clay used, techniques of making and decorating pots, and a listing of some of the famous potters of the time.

The glassmakers

The potters

Traces the early history of pottery in Colonial America with descriptions of the clay used, techniques of making and decorating pots, and a listing of some of the famous potters of the time.

Pumpers, boilers, hooks and ladders

Records the development of the fire engine in picture and word, from the early pumpers and boilers to the horse-drawn hook and ladder and its gasoline replacement.

The schoolmasters

This volume examines the different facets of the teaching profession in Colonial America, including the varied odd-jobs the schoolmaster often had to perform in addition to his teaching chores. The development of education in the early stages is also discussed.

The schoolmasters

This volume examines the different facets of the teaching profession in Colonial America, including the varied odd-jobs the schoolmaster often had to perform in addition to his teaching chores. The development of education in the early stages is also discussed.

The peddlers

Describes the enterprise and commercial development that peddlers brought to the colonies before the establishing of general stores.

The schoolmasters

This volume examines the different facets of the teaching profession in Colonial America, including the varied odd-jobs the schoolmaster often had to perform in addition to his teaching chores. The development of education in the early stages is also discussed.

The shoemakers

Surveys the history and technique of shoemaking in colonial America, noting the influence of the craftsman and his craft on Revolutionary times.


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