Force heretic

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Luke Skywalker and his nephew Jacen Solo search for Zonama Sekot, hoping to convince the living planet to join them in battling the Yuuzhan Vong, while Han, Leia, and their daughter Jaina meet with betrayal and deception on Bakura.


Luke Skywalker, his wife Mara, Jacen Solo, and other Jedi, determined to bring peace to the entire galaxy, head off into the Unknown Regions in search of Zonama Sekot, hoping to learn the secrets of how the sentient planet successfully repelled the savage Yuuzhan Vong forces decades earlier.


Luke Skywalker and his nephew Jacen Solo finally reach Zonama Sekot only to have the sentient planet refuse to join the battle against the Yuuzhan Vong, who have launched a full-scale attack against the new alliance, catching Han and Leia unprepared and outnumbered.
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