Frank, Thomas

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The people, no

a brief history of anti-populism
Discusses the history of populism and the author's opinion on past and present events.

What's the matter with Kansas?

how conservatives won the heart of America
Examines the crusade against America's liberal establishment in the last two decades, and analyzes why conservatives have voted against their own economic and political concerns, and discusses how people living in Kansas have pushed their own religious agenda without apology.

The wrecking crew

how conservatives rule
Discusses the role of conservatives within the American political structure, and examines how the actions taken by conservatives throughout history are affecting the status of Washington in the twenty-first century.

The conquest of cool

business culture, counterculture, and the rise of hip consumerism
A history of advertising, focusing on the 1960s, discussing the industry's anticipation of the youth rebellion of the decade, and looking at how the businesses of advertising and men's clothing teamed up to create and benefit from the cultural revolution.

What's the matter with Kansas?

how conservatives won the heart of America
The author examines the reasons for the conservative revolution that has taken place in his home state of Kansas, charging that conservatives have used cultural outrage to blur the thinking of blue-collar workers on economic issues.
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