civil service

Topical Term
civil service

What is the executive branch?

This book describes the U.S. executive branch, including its history and how it works.

White House

Looks at what it is like to work at the White House.

Mi comunidad es segura

Explica co?mo los diferentes profesionales, entre polici?as y maestros, contribuyen a la seguridad de una comunidad.
Cover image of Mi comunidad es segura

Government services

Photographs and simple text introduce early readers to the different types of goverment services that help communities run smoothly.
Cover image of Government services

The fifth risk

Lewis discusses the federal Government and the possible concequences of the Trump Presidency.

Who are community workers?

Provides an introduction to different kinds of community workers.

Jobs that matter

find a stable, fulfilling career in public service
Provides detailed advice on finding a career in human services, health, education, civil rights, and other areas of public service, with information on salaries, job outlook, professional associations, interview and networking strategies, and other topics.

Opportunities in government careers

Provides a guide to careers in government, including administration, education, health, library, and postal jobs, and describes the application process, opportunities in local, state, and federal governments, and resources for education and professional developoment.

Guide to America's federal jobs

Explains how to get a federal job, profiles the approximately sixty agencies and departments that hire the most employees, presents lists of job titles, explains federal pay rates and benefits, and discusses job opportunities for college graduates and specialized employment and volunteer programs.


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