1600-1775, colonial period

Geographic Name
1600-1775, colonial period


A brave native American princess acts as a peace maker and savior to the colonists of Jamestown in this historical tale.

Historic Williamsburg

a revolutionary city
Text and illustrations look at Colonial Williamsburg.
Cover image of Historic Williamsburg

The Declaration of Independence wasn't signed on July 4th

exposing myths about Independence Day
"There are many events and ideas to commemorate on the Fourth of July, such as our freedom and the signing of the Declaration of Independence...right? Not exactly! Many people are surprised to learn that the Declaration of Independence was signed on July 2, 1776, not July 4"--Amazon.
Cover image of The Declaration of Independence wasn't signed on July 4th


Discover the life of Blackbeard (Edward Teach), among the most famous pirates of all time.
Cover image of Blackbeard

Learning about Colonial America with arts & crafts

Students learn more about Colonial America through historic craft projects.

A kid's life in colonial America

Examines life in Colonial America by looking at the experiences of its children.

Uncovering the Jamestown Colony

Reveals the hidden history behind the Jamestown Colony in Virginia, the first permanent English settlement in North America.

If you were a kid in the thirteen colonies

Introduces children to the original thirteen colonies of the United States.

The pilgrims didn't celebrate the first Thanksgiving

exposing myths about colonial history
"Every student grows up hearing about the first Thanksgiving, celebrated by the Pilgrims and Native Americans in 1621. However, that wasn't the first Thanksgiving! It wasn't even the first one celebrated by European settlers! This is just one myth debunked in this ... look at colonial American history"--Provided by publisher.

Colonization and settlement

An introduction to the European colonization and settlement of North America, covering leaders, the Spanish conquest, Roanoke, Plymouth, Jamestown, and more. Includes teacher notes.


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