
Geographic Name

Welcome to England

An overview of the country of England that includes information on geography, history, government, the economy, people, and lifestyles.

Sophie's snail

Follows the humorous adventures of four-year-old Sophie as she pursues her dream of becoming a farmer.

Harald and the great stag

When Harald, who lives in England during the Middle Ages, hears that the Baron and his royal guests are planning to hunt the legendary Great Stag, he devises a clever scheme to protect the animal.

My way Sally

A little foxhound with the potential to lead the pack at the hunt someday forms a friendship with a young fox and has an adventure in Windsor Castle that set her on a course of action for leading the hounds as they've never been led before.

The Calder game

When seventh-grader Calder Pillay disappears from a remote English village--along with an Alexander Calder sculpture to which he has felt strangely drawn--his friends Petra and Tommy fly from Chicago to help his father find him.

The London Eye mystery

When Ted and Kat's cousin Salim disappears from the London Eye ferris wheel, the two siblings must work together--Ted with his brain that is "wired differently" and impatient Kat--to try to solve the mystery of what happened to Salim.

Hocus pocus

a tale of magnificent magicians
A young Englishman, just starting his career as a magician, is helped by some of the greatest magicians in history as they step out of posters of themselves to help him master the tricks and techniques of the trade.

Christmas carol

A miser learns the true meaning of Christmas when three ghostly visitors review his past and foretell his future.

Charlie Bone and the time twister

Charlie helps Henry Yewbeam hide from the teachers at Bloor's for his own safety.

Best friends

Rambunctious and irrepressible Gemma has been best friends with Alice ever since they were born on the same day, so when Alice moves miles away to Scotland, Gemma is distraught over the idea that Alice might find a new best friend.


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