Loewen, Nancy

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People of the world

"Celebrates diversity as it introduces different kinds of people from around the world with full-color photographs and rhyming text"--Provided by publisher.

Homes of the world

"Celebrates diversity as it introduces different kinds of homes from around the world with full-color photographs and rhyming text"--Provided by publisher.

Food of the world

"Celebrates diversity as it introduces different kinds of food from around the world with full-color photographs and rhyming text"--Provided by publisher.

Believe Me, Goldilocks Rocks!

Baby bear who wants to be called Sam, tells the true story of what happened when he and his parents went for a walked while their porridge cooled.

Believe me, I never felt a pea!

the story of the princess and the pea as told by the princess
"A humorous retelling of The Princess and the Pea, as told by the princess--who really was not a princess at all, and was kept awake by her dog"--OCLC.

The largest planet

Explore the Great Red Spot, a huge storm as wide as two Earths, on Jupiter and the rest of the planet.

Our home planet

Explore the Earth, the only planet known to support life.

Ringed giant

the planet Saturn
Explore Saturn's rings, moons and more.

Nearest to the sun

the planet Mercury
Explore Mercury, the smallest planet, and the fact that it has the biggest craters, the biggest temperature swings, and the biggest sunrises in the solar system.

Farthest from the sun

the planet Neptune
Explore Neptune, the only planet that can't be seen with the naked eye and the planet farthest from the sun.


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