honduran americans

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honduran americans

Miss Quinces

"[Presents a] graphic novel about a girl who would rather do anything other than celebrate her quincea?era!"--Amazon.
Cover image of Miss Quinces

Srta. Quinces

"Sue solo quiere pasar el verano leyendo y haciendo ??cmics en el campamento con sus amigos, pero en lugar de eso se embarca con sus padres y sus dos hermanas en un viaje a Honduras a visitar a la familia, que vive en medio del campo, ??a??s que no pod??r mandar mensajes y no tend??r cable ni internet! Las cosas empeoran cuando la ma??m de Sue anuncia que le ha??rn una quince??era sorpresa a la chica, aunque esto es lo ltimo que ella desea??ra. ??No se imagina vistiendo un vestido enorme, abultado y colorido! ??Q?? pod??r hacer? ????Cmo sobrevivi??r todo este tiempo con sus revoltosos familiares?"-- Amazon.com.
Cover image of Srta. Quinces

Miss Quinces

"Sue just wants to spend the summer reading and making comics at sleepaway camp with her friends, but instead she gets stuck going to Honduras to visit relatives with her parents and two sisters. They live way out in the country, which means no texting, no cable, and no Internet! The trip takes a turn for the worse when Sue's mother announces that they'll be having a surprise quincea?era for Sue, which is the last thing she wants. She can't imagine wearing a big, floofy, colorful dress! What is Sue going to do? And how will she survive all this "quality" time with her rambunctious family?"--.

Sarita, be brave

When political unrest in Honduras forces twelve-year-old Sara to flee with her family and make the dangerous journey north to Texas, she faces the challenges of starting a new school and a new life.

Carolyn's story

a book about an adopted girl
A nine-year-old girl describes her life and her feelings about being adopted as a baby in Honduras. Includes information and resources about adoption.
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