Childhood of famous Americans

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Examines the life of the Indian princess Pocahontas and her contact with English settlers, especially John Smith.

John Glenn

young astronaut
Chronicles the life of John Glenn, an astronaut during the early stages of American space exploration.

Annie Oakley

young markswoman
A biographical look at the childhood of Annie Oakley, the famous American sharpshooter.

Robert E. Lee

young Confederate
A biography focusing on the childhood of Robert E. Lee, who later became the commanding general of the Army of Northern Virginia during the Civil War.

Daniel Boone

young hunter and tracker
Presents a look at the life and times of Daniel Boone, describing how the frontier hero blazed a trail through the Cumberland Gap and led the first settlers into Kentucky, providing information on his childhood, growing up a Quaker, and his encounters with Native Americans.

Elizabeth Blackwell

girl doctor
The life of the first woman doctor in the United States, who worked in England and America to open the field of medicine to women.

Mr. Rogers

Examines the early life of Mr. Rogers, discussing his birth in Pennsylvania, his respiratory problems, his devoted parents and grandparents, his imagination, and the events that led to his work with children on television.

John F. Kennedy

America's youngest president
A biography focusing on the childhood of the youngest man ever elected President and the youngest ever to die in office.

Henry Ford

young man with ideas
Chronicles the early life of Henry Ford, the American automotive industrialist who founded the Ford Motor Company and pioneered in assembly-line methods of mass production.

Wilbur and Orville Wright

young fliers
Presents the boyhood of the brothers who flew the first airplane in 1903.


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