Graveyard diaries

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Ghosts of Pheasant Hill

Jared and his mother drive a girl home, only to discover that she and her mother are ghosts, and they want nothing to do with the living.

Hobgoblins just wanna have fun

"Mitch hears bells chiming one night in the old chapel in Evergreen Cemetery. The chapel isn't used anymore and he's seen ghosts there before. He sneaks over and finds some hobgoblins. After a seemingly harmless and amusing encounter, Mitch returns home to bed. But while he sleeps, the mischievous creatures break into his home and damage the kitchen. And Mitch gets blamed for it! Can Mitch and the Zombie Hunters reach a truce with the hobgoblins before they can wreak more havoc?"--Back cover.

Ghosts of Pheasant Hill

"Jared and his mom encounter a disoriented girl while taking a shortcut through Woodland Cemetery. They take her to her home on a desolate road out of town. When they arrive, they realize the girl has vanished. The house looks deserted, but an old woman appears at an upstairs window. She assures them everything is fine. After conducting some research, Jared learns about a drowning death in Woodland Cemetery years before that could be the same girl reliving her death every night. Can Jared help the girl find a restful place if the ghosts of Pheasant Hill want noghting to do with the living?"--Back cover.

Zombies revisited

"Barry's usual walk through Marshfield Grove with his dog Lucy turns ominous when they find blood and encounter the ghost of Byron Mumford. Mumford's been disturbed by zombies in the cemetery, the same zombies Barry and his friends fought a few months ago. While Mumford issues his warning, a zombie sneaks up on Barry! Barry and Lucy barely escape. He devises a new plan with the Zombie Hunters to make the undead permanently dead. But can they trust Mumford's warning and stop the zombies before they regain their strength?"--Back cover.

Ghostly whispers

"Stan knows every inch of Hilltop Cemetery. But when he ventures toward an area of old graves for the first time, he feels pushed back, as if he's being repelled by an unseen force. He writes a blog post about it and is surprised to find two anonymous comments. One warns him to stay away from the graveyard, the other begs for help! After a few visits to the cemetery to check out the strange energy, Stan discovers that a little ghost girl is trapped inside the evil force field. Can Stan and the Zombie Hunters find a way to rescue the girl, even if it means they might get suck inside the force field themselves?"--Back cover.

How not to be killed by a zombie

Zombies are killing all the animals in Marshfield Grove Cemetery, and it is up to Barry Bannon and his friends to defeat the zombies and rescue the ghost dogs that they have trapped in a pit.

Approaching the undead

Stan Summer has been attacked by mysterious balls of light in Hilltop Cemetery and he and his new friend Amy need to solve the mystery of who these ghosts are and what they want.

Tracking your nightmare

Jared Jensen is being pursued by a pair of ghostly graverobbers, and he and his friends, the Zombie Hunters, need to find a solution before Jared himself is turned into a ghost.

Vampires are not your friends

Mitch Morris really likes Mercy Knight, the new girl in Marshfield, but his friends are convinced that she and her parents are vampires.

To werewolf or not to werewolf

Jared Jensen and his fellow zombie hunters think there is a werewolf loose in the cemeteries of Marshfield, but is it connected with the strange boy called Rudy or not?.


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