Math for the real world

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The California gold rush

multiplying and dividing using three- and four-digit numbers
Tells the story of the California gold rush, covering such topics as how prospectors got there by sea and by land and what life was like for miners, including immigrants, and presents related multiplication and division problems with three- and four-digit numbers.

A frog's life

learning sequential order using a timeline
Uses a timeline of a frog's life cycle to teach children sequential order and about frogs.

Making my breakfast

learning the sequential steps of a process
Describes the sequential steps of making a breakfast, from going to the kitchen to cleaning the dishes.

A week of weather

learning to collect and record data on a pictograph
Shows how a week's worth of weather can be depicted in pictographs.

Let's vote

learning to use simple bar graphs
Uses an election for class president to show how to read bar graphs, presenting the number of votes each candidate received.

Jobs around town

learning to sort and classify
Simple text and photos ask students to identify which item in a group is different than the rest.

In the forest

learning directional concepts
Simple text and photos of animals in a forest reinforce such concepts as above, under, in, on, in front of, and behind.

Busy families

learning to tell time by the hour
Simple text and photos show several families' activities at different hours throughout the day.

How a quilt is built

learning to measure an object using inches
Illustrations and simple text describe how to measure an object using inches.

Snakes of the world

learning to use inches and feet to measure an object
An introduction to measuring with inches and feet that provides information on different types of snakes while explaining the units of measurement.


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