A New library of the supernatural

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Enigmas and mysteries

Discusses various unexplained events and enigmas that remain unsolved mysteries, including dowsing, UFOs, jinxes, and the strange disappearances of people, ships, and planes in such areas as the Bermuda Triangle.

They had strange powers

They had strange powers

Healing without medicine

Discusses acupuncture, osteopathy, spiritual healing, psychic surgery, and other forms of alternative medicine in the past and in the modern world.

Wisdom from afar

Examines ancient and modern sects, cults, religions, and occult practices from various parts of the world, including African witch doctors, yoga, European withchcraft, I Ching, and many others.

Psychic voyages

Examines the psychic phenomenon of astral projection and scientific investigations into the claim that people can leave their bodies, move on another plane of existence, and reenter their physical selves.

Minds without boundaries

Discusses modern scientific research of telepathy, clairvoyance, psychokinesis, and other psychic phenomena.


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