Naisbitt, John

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Global paradox

the bigger the world economy, the more powerful its small players
1. Global Paradox -- 2. Powering the Paradox: The Telecommunications Revolution -- 3. Travel: Globalization of the World's Largest Industry -- 4. New Rules: A Universal Code of Conduct for the 21st Century -- 5. The Dragon Century: The Chinese Commonwealth - Gaining Power from its Parts -- 6. Asia and latin America: New Areas of Opportunity.

Megatrends 2000

ten new directions for the 1990's
Focuses on the contribution each individual can make in the 1990s.

Re-inventing the corporation

transforming your job and your company for the new information society
Describes the labor shortage that will create a tight labor market for the rest of this century.


ten new directions transforming our lives
Details America's shift from industrial production to providing services and information.


Megatrends Asia

eight Asian megatrends that are reshaping our world
Explores the idea that Asian countries will continue to grow economically and may soon unite to form an economic superpower.
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