Grossman, Mark

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Political corruption in America

an encyclopedia of scandals, power, and greed
Provides a two-volume reference work covering the complete scandal-filled history of American political corruption, containing over 350 information-packed entries exploring the people, crimes, investigations and court cases behind 200 years of political scandals.

Constitutional amendments

encyclopedia of the people, procedures, politics, primary documents relating to the 27 Amendments to the U.S. Constitution
Defines and explains each of the twenty-seven amendments, discussing each amendment's historical background, congressional debates, primary documents, biographies of significant individuals, and more. This volume contains Amendments 19 through 27.

World military leaders

a biographical dictionary
Articles profiling important military leaders are arranged in A to Z format.

Encyclopedia of the Persian Gulf War

An A-Z reference to the history and events of the Gulf War, with biographies of key players, information on weapons, forces, theatres of operation, and diplomatic events. Includes maps and illustrations, appendixes, and a bibliography.

The ABC-CLIO companion to the environmental movement

An encyclopedia with nearly 400 articles about the people, organizations, legislation, and events that shaped the conservation and environmental movements.

Political corruption in America

an encyclopedia of scandals, power, and greed
Contains over 250 alphabetically arranged entries that explore the history of political corruption in America, covering people, crimes, investigations, and court cases, with definitions of terms, photographs, political cartoons, and a time line.

Encyclopedia of the interwar years from 1919 to 1939

Contains more than four hundred entries that provide information on the ideas, people, places, and events that affected world history in the years between the First and Second World Wars.

Encyclopedia of capital punishment

Contains over 240 alphabetically arranged entries that provide information about various aspects of capital punishment, featuring biographies of people who have been executed, and covering court cases, methods, statistics, and other related topics.

The ABC-CLIO companion to the Civil Rights Movement

An encyclopedia covering notable people and events in the African-American struggle for civil rights from the end of the Civil War to contemporary times.

The ABC-CLIO companion to the Native American Rights movement

An encyclopedia covering notable people and events in the Native American struggle for civil rights from the settling of America to contemporary times.
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