Hern?ndez, Michele A

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A is for admission

the insider's guide to getting into the Ivy League and other top colleges
Provides an inside look at the admissions process at top-rated colleges--specifically those that accept thirty-five percent or less from their applicant pools--and offers advice for students on how to make their application stand out from the crowd.

Acing the college application

how to maximize your chances for admission to the college of your choice
A step-by-step guide to the process of applying for college, featuring a line-by-line look at the common application, a discussion of the entrance essay, and advice on seeking recommendations, and including anecdotes and examples.

The middle school years

achieving the best education for your child, grades 5-8
A parent's guide to helping children succeed in middle school, covering organization skills, good habits, homework strategies, public and private schools, learning disabilities, student-teacher conflicts, standardized testing, tracking, and extracurricular activities.

Acing the college application

how to maximize your chances for admission to the college of your choice
A step-by-step guide to the college application process that offers advice on essays, personal data sections, recommendations, and on-campus interviews.

A is for admission

the insider's guide to getting into the Ivy League and other top colleges
Provides an inside look at the admissions process at top-rated colleges--specifically those that accept thrity-five percent or less from their applicant pools--and offers advice for students on how to make their application stand out from the crowd.
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