modernism in architecture

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modernism in architecture

Modern architecture

a critical history
Presents an overview of the history of modern architecture, including information on the cross-cultural influences in Europe, from 1750 to the mid-twentieth century.

The world is not a rectangle

a portrait of architect Zaha Hadid
A biography of architect Zaha Hadid, who grew up in Baghdad and went on to design buildings all over the world.

The architect

women in contemporary architecture
Examines the lives and works of thirty-three contemporary women architects, and includes photographs and illustrations that highlight the diversity of their styles.

A history of western architecture

A history of Western architecture taking into account the change of attitude that has occurred among architectural historians since the 1970s.

Many masks

a life of Frank Lloyd Wright
An account of Wright which strips away the masks behind which the architect continued to live and perform his unprecedented feats.

Makers of modern architecture

Traces the development of modern architecture through the lives, ideas, and accomplishments of architects who contributed most to the twentieth century including Frank Lloyd Wright, Louis Sullivan, Frank Gehry, and Scottish designer, Charles Rennie Mackintosh.

Wonders of the modern world

Photographs and text help profile the major architectural and engineering feats of the twentieth century.

Modern wonders

Profiles some of the greatest architectural achievements in modern history, including the Eiffel Tower, the St. Louis Gateway Arch, the World Trade Center, and Mount Rushmore, describing the science behind their construction and the materials used to build them.
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