consensus (social sciences)

Topical Term
consensus (social sciences)

Facilitator's guide to participatory decision-making

A training manual and sourcebook for facilitators, managers, and leaders that offers practical strategies and tips for encouraging full participation, promoting mutual understanding, and helping groups build inclusive, sustainable agreements.

Uncle Sam wants you

World War I and the making of the modern American citizen
Examines the American political structure and the home front during World War I, describing the government's attempts to instill duty and obligation into the people, the formation of the Selective Service, and the large number of conscientious objectors and antiwar radicals.

The wisdom of crowds

why the many are smarter than the few and how collective wisdom shapes business, economies, societies, and nations
Argues that large groups of people are wiser, more innovative, better at problem solving, and better at predicting than their most intelligent individual members, and draws from such fields as psychology, military history, ant biology, and economic behaviorism to apply this theory to business and everyday life.

The spirit of compromise

why governing demands it and campaigning undermines it
Political thinkers Amy Gutmann and Dennis Thompson connect the rejection of compromise to the domination of campaigning over governing in American democracy today and propose changes in our political institutions, processes, and mindsets that would encourage a better balance between campaigning and governing.
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