duck shooting

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duck shooting

The day it rained ducks

"Blair Thomas lives in the friendly, lakeside town of Lainey, Michigan, on the beautiful shores of the Lake Huron. Lainey boasts superb hunting opportunities and offers visitors miles of sandy shoreline and weekend tours of the historic Tesla Lighthouse. It is the beginning of the fall, duck hunting season, and Blair and her dad are busy preparing for her very first duck hunt. The forecast is calling for extremely high winds and rain, absolutely perfect weather for duck hunting, it does not get any better than this. Excitement mounts as Blair, her dad, and their faithful chocolate lab, Mac, head in their johnboat toward Edmond Island, four miles offshore. But things start to spiral out of control quickly as two massive storms collide, creating an historic storm directly overhead. Storms like this are dangerous, and this one turns out to be much worse than Blair or her dad could ever have imagined. The storm takes control of the lake, hammering them with huge waves, and changes what was to be an exciting duck hunt into a desperate struggle for survival. Amidst all the chaos, however, the storm has a special gift for Blair. But will she survive long enough to get it?"--Back cover.
Cover image of The day it rained ducks

Duck hunting

"Questions and answers give kids the fundamentals of duck hunting, including what gear to pack and hunting safety"--Provided by publisher.

Duck hunting made simple

21 Steps to Duck Hunting Success
LEARN:: How to Successfully Hunt Ducks Even If You Have No Duck Hunting Experience  Do you want to hunt ducks but are frustrated with your lack of success? We have all been there. We have spent hundreds of dollars on hunting supplies and hours driving, setting up decoys but then having ducks fly by without even taking a 2nd look. That is the experience of many duck hunters. Whether you are new to duck hunting or you have been duck hunting without much success, "Duck Hunting Made Simple" can get you bagging more ducks. We would all like to shoot more ducks. The trick is to know how to setup decoys, when to hunt, how to scout and how to get permission to hunt private land. "Duck Hunting Made Simple" can help you do this. TAKE ACTION:: Focus on These 21 Simple Steps and Get Duck Hunting Results  It's easy to learn the basics of effective duck hunting. The hard part is finding all of the resources in one place to do this. As you know, the Internet is full of books and videos that talk about duck hunting. The problem? Most don't talk about the specific actions or provide illustrated decoy setup instructions needed to achieve duck hunting success. In the book, "Duck Hunting Made Simple", you'll get a twenty one-step plan for achieving your duck hunting goals. Unlike other titles, this book will teach you step-by-step on how to effectively hunt ducks with no step missed. DOWNLOAD:: Duck Hunting Made Simple -- 21 Steps to Duck Hunting Success  "Duck Hunting Made Simple" contains step by step instructions for your duck hunting success. You will learn how to:* Types of Decoys* Clothing* How to Get Cheap Decoys* Shotguns* Time of Day to Hunt* Number of Decoys* Blind Placement and Concealment* Hunting Without a Blind* Duck Calling* Decoy Movement* And many more duck hunting topics... Duck hunting doesn't have to be difficult. You can achieve duck hunting success by following the techniques of successful hunters. And "Duck Hunting Made Simple" can help you do this. Would You Like To Learn More? Greab your copy and start having duck hunting success.

Go duck hunting!

Readers will learn about the gear, weapons and skills they need to enjoy this exciting outdoor sport.

Go duck hunting!

"A duck hunter crouches in a camouflage tent called a blind. Suddenly, a flock of ducks takes flight from the water. The hunter has one chance to take the shot! Readers will learn about the gear, weapons and skills they need to enjoy this exciting outdoor sport"--Provided by publisher.

The duck shack

"It's opening morning of duck hunting. the North Star guides them as they head out on the lake in the early hours of morning. The decoys are set. A northwest wind is blowing. Will Luke be ready when the sky fills with the sound of whistling wings?this is sure to be one of the best duck openers ever!"--Back cover.

The wild duck chase

inside the strange and wonderful world of the Federal Duck Stamp Contest
"Chronicles the intense ideological and cultural clashes that occurred between the mostly rural hunters who buy the stamps and the mostly suburban and urban birders and conservationists who decry the hunting of waterfowl during the 2010 Federal Duck Stamp Contest"--Provided by publisher.

Duck hunting

"Engaging images accompany information about duck hunting. The combination of high-interest subject matter and narrative text is intended for students in grades 3 through 7"--Provided by publisher.

Hunting ducks

Describes the experience, equipment, techniques, and code of conduct of duck hunting.

Insider tips for hunting waterfowl

The wetlands of North America harbor duck, geese, and other waterfowl that sports people have been hunting for hundreds of years. This guide provides the knowledge necessary to build up hunters' skills in an effective, safe, and law-abiding manner.


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