rats as carriers of disease

Topical Term
rats as carriers of disease

More cunning than man

a complete history of the rat and its role in human civilization

Rats, lice, and history

being a study in biography, which, after twelve preliminary chapters indispensable for the preparation of the lay reader, deals with the life history of typhus fever ...
Reprint of a 1935 text, chronicling the impact of epidemics on society, tracking the origins and growth of typhus, and discussing the nature of infectious diseases, their effect on the ancient world, and their influence on political and military history.

Rats, lice, & history

being a study in biography, which, after twelve preliminary chapters indispensable for the preparation of the lay reader, deals with the life history of typhus fever ...

Rats around us

Discusses the history of rats, examines their family trees, anatomy, life cycles, predators, and prey, and looks at myths and facts about the rodents.

Rats, lice, and history

Reprint of a 1935 text, chronicling the impact of epidemics on society, tracking the origins and growth of typhus, and discussing the nature of infectious diseases, their effect on the ancient world, and their influence on political and military history.

More cunning than man

a social history of rats and men
Presents information on rats, with many stories of the depredations of these creatures, whose teeth grow continually, forcing them to gnaw. Only man has a wider range of habitat than the rat.

Animals that changed history

Discusses the effects on history--for better or worse--made by the horse, rat, and beaver.
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